Monday, August 11

What are you willing to sacrifice for?

It’s really a simple question…but only if you know yourself VERY well first. :-) I know; there’s always a catch to simple things right? Most everyone can give you an answer to this question, some right off the bat. But what kinds of answers to you get from most people?

“I’d give anything for that boat!”
“I’d give anything to have her/him!”
“No matter what the cost, I’m going to get that eventually.”

Have you ever listened to people when they start talking like that? They all want stuff. Or some want someone beautiful. You very rarely hear those most important things discussed. Why? I think that’s easy to answer, most people just don’t know themselves well enough to know what’s ultimately important to them. Why don’t people know the deeper answers? Cuz it’s hard to get to know yourself in that way.

We have become experts in going through our lives at a level no deeper than a shallow puddle. If you ever take the time to listen to the conversations people have you’ll hear them discuss things like: sports, cars, celebrities, movies, TV, general gossip, etc. I’m sure that you’ve all overheard the surface, pointless conversations that I’m talking about. Hell, you’ve probably had them yourselves. I know that I have.

We seem to have a difficult time in sharing the important thing in our own lives with “just anybody”. I find that almost funny. After all, we are all human beings stuck here on Earth and in reality; most of our lives resemble each other. We all deal with some common stressors, family issues, crazy friends, etc. Oh sure, some of us go WAY above and beyond to clear the bar of normality, but for the most part, I think that most everyone could empathize with whatever it is that you’re going through or dealing with right now. And sometimes, by sharing the important parts of your life with “just anybody”, you could help them to deal with something that they are stuck in. There’s just no way to know what the results will be with “just anybody”.

But, back to the question…What are you willing to sacrifice for? It’s not a question of how much you are willing to sacrifice, but rather, what’s important enough to you to sacrifice everything for. Of course, there are the “safe” answers that anyone should give. Family, children, closest friends, etc. You all know those safe answers. But what, just for YOU, is important enough to give everything up for?

In order to actually answer this question, you will need to be able to pull yourself out of every other role and relationship that you have. This is a question just for YOU. It’s hard to do, separate yourself. We find security in the roles we have of father/mother, brother/sister, friend, employee, care giver, etc. And setting that security aside, even for a moment is hard and even a little scary. But if you don’t know YOU, then you will be lost if your roles are ever taken from you. And believe me, eventually they will be. How many times have you heard this story? We were SO in love when we got married. Then we had the kids and we loved them even more. But, when the kids left, there was just nothing there between us anymore.

Kind of sad isn’t it? How many people are so tied to their roles that they simply cannot function without them? Are you someone like that? Or can you, just be YOU?

Hopefully, you’ll make some time to just spend with yourself. Figure out what it is that YOU want, like, desire; if there are absolutely no demands placed on your time. Figure out what would make you happy, just because it’s for and from you. But here’s the kicker…once you figure that out, GO FOR IT! Work to incorporate it into your life. Make it a part of the life you already have and share it with the people that are already around you. You might find that there are some people that will be excited to help when they find out how much it means to just you. :-)

Don’t keep walking through this life only having half of what you want. Make life a complete package. You’ll be happier and everyone in your life will be happier because of it.

P.S. – Mine, if you know me or have heard me talk, is to “work” from the boat. :-) And in the words of General Custer – “I have a plan!”

See you on the other side! :-)


Susan said...

And the flip side of the question is: what are you sacrificing that you don't even know, because you aren't paying attention? I find the price I've paid for some things in life wasn't worth it.

Rosalind said...


Your words are so inspiring to me. It's awesome how truth just flow from you. No doubt a reflection of knowing yourself.

Shawn said...

A more interesting and telling question is "Why are you willing to Sacrifice"

Your thoughts of late have been interesting. All about pursuing "what you want" and how it will make you happy.

In fact, I was going to let them drop, because I've been hearing this same pursuit story since the early 90's - but then I thought it wasn't very fair to do so.

I'll let you in on a secret though. A secret that God has clued us in on in his word. Pursuing what "You want" doesn't make you happy

In fact why is the true Higher and better life being passed by for things that are fading, unimportant and never bring happiness. Things that are "What you want."

I've watched with growing concern over the years this obsession with pursuing "what you want" just for "yourself".

In the end it is more telling to see if you are willing and able to subvert what "you want" in order to pursue the Mark of the High calling - and to run the race.

Anyone can chase what they want just for themselves. The world is littered with broken families and broken lives left in the wake of this single minded pursuit.

There is a point at which what you want either has to fall in line with what he wants, or fall by the wayside as dross. And we are encouraged in that there is no finer sacrifice than giving up what you want in pursuit of a better and higher life.