Anyone else think that’s a total crock of shit?
I mean, c’mon…only ONE time of year we try to bring out the best in ourselves? That’s almost like saying that you’re a faithful religious believer when you only do something about one day a week!
I remember when I was in college I wrote a fictional paper about Santa Claus. I can’t even begin to give you the details, but the thought was this…
Santa Claus is not so much a person as a feeling that we all have the capability to have. It’s not something that should be relegated to a portion of one month of the year, but rather, shared with everyone every day of every year.
So tell me…do YOU try to be a little bit nicer during the Christmas season? Maybe still working to make that nice list and not the naughty one? :-)
Now, I don’t have anything against Christmas, exactly. But I think there’s something here that we’ve all lost focus on. We teach our kids to be nicer during the Christmas season, instead of being nicer all through the year. We tell them that if they’re “good” then they’ll get more stuff under the tree. Hey…sounds like bribery to me!
What would happen if we took the Christmas holiday away? Would we have to find SOMETHING to replace it with, just to keep that miniscule spirit alive? Why? Why does it take a fat guy in a red fur coat to make us be a bit nicer and happier in life?
Bottom line…IT SHOULDN’T.
If you’re religious, Christmas isn’t about stuff or elves or Santa, it’s about a baby that was born to save Mankind’s Spirit. If you know the holiday’s history, you know that it’s about drawing together as a community to take care of each other and RENEW commitments and help one another.
If you’re not either of those things…listen up! :-)
You’ll hear a lot about Christmas Spirit. When we’re all supposed to love a little more, and laugh a little more, and help a little more. But the Christmas Spirit isn’t something that stops on December 25th. It’s a constant thing that is ALWAYS present in everyone’s heart. Don’t wait for some store to tell you to take it out and use it. Don’t wait to be guilted into the Spirit because you haven’t done anything with it for a whole year. Make it a part of your daily life.
Be Santa for someone every day of the year. Love a little more each day. Help a little more whenever you get the chance. Make every month and every day Christmas for you and someone else.
Watch the difference that starts to happen in your life. Your Spirit will start to rise above the normal shit that life brings. You’ll be happier, every day. Your little slice of the world will become a more loving and brighter place. And you just might actually see reindeer fly. :-)
So, let me leave you with quotes from my two favorite Christmas stories.
“And the Grinch’s small heart grew THREE times that day!”
“And I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight…
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”