Friday, March 13

(UN)Healthy Living…Part 4…the Final Act

Well, it’s been a fun little jaunt through the wonderful things that we do to ourselves, but I want to talk about just one more thing before wrapping this one up.

Let me ask you a question…and really, take a few moments to honestly think about the answer to this question. No one else will know your answer, just you, your heart, your spirit, and the little aliens that are reading all your thoughts. :-)

Do YOU think that you are good enough?

Now…some of you might be wondering, “What the hell is he getting at THIS time??!!”

And truly, that’s fair. The question itself is a little ambiguous.

Good enough? What does that mean? By whose standards? In what areas? Really…what in the hell are you talking about mister?!

Good enough. In other words…words that for certain you WON’T honestly contemplate…How’s your self esteem?

We live in a world today that forces down our throat a certain stereotype and standard. You all know it without even thinking about it.

Women are supposed to be a size 2 to 4. Blonde. Aggressive in business and fragile with lovers. Master of all things and also, a great mother to any and all children that might happen along.

Men are supposed to be built like athletes. Charming, leaders of business and homes, tender with all people, yet able to conquer and defend at a moment’s notice. Upstanding fathers and role models, all.

Now…I know that I try to live up to that particular standard myself. And in many ways, I think that I do a good job. I make my mistakes and learn my lessons and do better the next time.

However, MANY people are severely impacted by the standard that society and the world have placed upon us. They see themselves as failing time and time and time again. They internalize their mistakes and hold them against themselves.

In short, their self esteem and self worth becomes tied to how well they measure up to someone else’s standard.

Sadly, they don’t realize that almost NO ONE achieves 100% success in meeting another’s standards. It just doesn’t happen.

So, what’s my point today? Good question! :-)

Simply put…don’t determine your value as a person based on someone else’s criteria for success.

KNOW that you have great value, to many different people. You have value in MANY different areas. But you as a person have great worth regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. You are you. And there’s no one else in the world that is you. No one else has lived and done what you have, in just your way. That makes you special.

No outside standard should be able to diminish who you are. Your own value and self worth need to be based from the inside. On WHO you are and on your HEART. Those are things that no one can judge, because no one can see them. Discover yourself, learn about YOU, and love what you see.


“You are unique…just like everyone else.” :-)

Now…shut up and go play!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you are of great value and worth to me personally. You are more than good enough, as my friend, as my writing partner, and as my favorite comediean. =)

Good post. Now get busy and make fun of this comment.