Wednesday, November 12

Faith of the Heart…

“'Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe
I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul
And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith, I've got faith, faith of the heart”
– “Faith of the Heart” - Russell Watson

Ok…in the last couple posts, I’ve tried to nail jell-o to the wall. So…let’s be done redecorating for the moment and talk a little bit about how to withstand the waves of shite that will pound over you in this life. :-)

Think you are ready to brace yourself through it all? You might be. I’ve met several people that have an innate ability to weather shite. Of course, they are few and far between. If you happen to resemble the rest of us in this life, then you are woefully UNprepared for, not only the sheer volume but, all the various directions that life will be slinging shite at you. It’s almost like being in the zoo, surrounded by monkey cages on all sides. You never know where the next volley is going to come from.

Is there ever REALLY any way to prepare for the things life throws at you? In all honesty, no there isn’t. How do you prepare for the unexpected death of a friend or loved one? Or perhaps the loss of employment in a single income family? Or even, the hostility and anger that MOST people walk around with boiling right under the surface?

We tend to learn things through repetition. Science tells us that it takes being exposed to new information 3 times before we will completely retain it and it will be usable to us. OK…but the above situations REALLY don’t lend well to repeat performances.

So, then how DO we prepare for the awful things that tend to happen in life?

Well, it seems that the stronger you are in yourself and your core, the better you weather hardship from any source. But I don’t think that’s enough. I think that there are PLENTY of people out there that have pretty good self esteem, and confidence, and all the other things that come from a solid core, and yet, they crumble when something terrible dumps on them. They drown, just like everyone else.

I think it’s because they don’t have a solid Heart. They don’t have that Faith of the Heart that will get them through the absolute worst that life can throw at you. See, Faith of the Heart brings things that a solid core can’t even begin to match.

Peace, comfort, hope, emotional strength, compassion, and many other blessings. These are the true tools to get you through the wave after wave of shit from live. Without a firm foundation of Heart, then the worst that life does will rip through your Heart and soul and leave you fluttering in the breeze.

“OK,” I hear you thinking, “How do I get this Faith of the Heart?” Well…see that’s the trick here. :-)

Faith of the Heart comes after, and really at the same time as, you build a solid core for yourself. One CAN build upon the other and nurture the other along. Your core is all about who you are, in and of yourself. Faith of the Heart is the relationship that you have with your Heart and Soul and THAT interaction with the rest of Life. (Hey, I NEVER said it’d be easy. I KNOW this shit is complex!)

To develop one without the other, while possible, is probably going to hurt you more in the long run, as you’ll come to believe that you can handle anything that comes down the pipe, only to find that your weakest link will be the one life leans on the hardest.

To develop them both, you have to come to understand that YOU are not the ultimate power in Life. There is something greater than yourself. That’s where you’ll find the interaction of Heart and Soul and the power to unify everything into your own life. That’s when you can stand tall and proud, secure in your ability to handle life on any terms it would like to play. And you can proclaim, just like one of my favorite songs…

“Seen all the screaming and fighting
Lived through the screaming and lying
I'm fine, you can't deny
I'm unbreakable
I'm invincible
Come on bring it to me
Cuz I'm always gonna be
Come on give it to me
Cuz I'm always gonna be unbreakable”
– “Unbreakable” - Bon Jovi

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