This is kinda how life usually works. You’ve got several different people telling you VERY different things. See…you’ve got your body, the world, telling you to just do it. You’ve got your mind, logic, telling you that if you lean a little no one will know. And then you’ve got your heart telling you to PLEASE don’t do that to the people around you. :-)
It seems that the world and your heart very rarely, if ever, agree. Unfortunately, this tends to cause a LOT of stress and hurt in most people’s lives.
You feel out of place if you follow your heart. People might even look at you a little funny. They might call you crazy to live that way, when EVERYONE knows that this (the world’s way) is how people succeed.
But really…IS that the way to have a successful life?
Sure! If you’re idea of a successful life is simply about money, fame, stuff, whatever. If so…God love you, the world can always use another shallow and material person. After all, it’s those kinds of people that make it what it is today.
If all you live for is to satisfy the next urge then I KNOW that yours will be an unfulfilled life. See…there is SOME truth to the old saying…
“Money can’t buy love…but it can buy a WHOLE lot of happiness!”
I can’t even argue with that. Sure! Money can buy a lot of happiness. Fleeting, momentary, and shallow happiness. You can get all the STUFF that you can get your grubby little paws on. And for those fleeting moments, until you decide you need something else (about 5-10 minutes worth) you’re happy. Then what? You start the little cycle all over again. Gee…what a GREAT way to live. :-)
So what if you live to satisfy your mind and logic and make sense of everything? W-E-L-L…that may work for a while. But eventually, you’ll find a whole LOT of things that just are the way they are and don’t make a lick of sense. Then the whole idea of living for logic is going to come right down on your head. There are TOO many things in life that defy explanation and logic. SO many things that have to be taken on faith and trust. Besides…in all honesty, logic is cold, distant, and also pretty shallow. YEA! What fun! Let’s invite HIM to the party. :-)
So that leaves living for your heart…and let’s face it, that REALLY daunting. Why? Because, based on everything that we’ve learned in growing up, the heart’s choices and decisions usually don’t make any sense. At least not to us and certainly not in the immediate timeframe that we are SO used to living in. The heart is a long term decision maker. We need to slow down, get rid of the instantaneous gratification mentality, and actually LIVE a life, not just exist through one.
Living a life for your heart is about simple and pure enjoyment of every moment. It’s about loving ALL the people you find yourself around. It’s about being in tune with the world around you and the people in it, and not getting sucked into the fads and misguided beliefs that come and go. A heart life is not about rushing and cramming everything you can into every hour of the day. Its pace is SO much slower than that. There is so much that a heart life experiences and enjoys that is NEVER even seen by anyone else. That’s the pure happiness and love and fulfillment of a heart life.
Sure, the world and the smartys will call you crazy and you might not have millions of dollars and toys before you shuffle off, but oh well. The world will still be the world when you’re gone, and smartys will still be trying to figure it all out, but you’ll actually take a heart that is SO full, you can barely carry it with you.
So figure out what kind of life you would want…and, damn it, START LIVING THAT WAY!!!
“With great risks comes great rewards” – Winston Churchill
1 comment:
You are unique in every way, Brandon. =) Thanks for the reminder that it's okay to be out of step with others, as long as you are in step with yourself.
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