Thursday, November 19

365 Give or Take…

It’s been a year today. One year since my almost ex-wife took her life. There’s a part of me that is amazed that it’s already been a year. It certainly doesn’t seem like that long.

I’ve taken a look back over this last year, just for myself to see what all has happened. It’s been a rather big year in some ways, not so much in others. Basically, my year has been just like everyone else’s…for the most part. :-)

A very good friend took a moment to remind me exactly where I was a year ago. “Last year at this time, you were worried about the Ex fighting over your son, and getting yourself a good attorney.” And in one heartbreaking moment, all that was turned on its head and gone.

It’s weird to me sometimes. I spent nine years with her and shared so many things. But at the end of the day, I look back at everything that happened and I know that I became someone that I hated. I did things that I will always regret and feel sorrow over. I felt pain that I had never imagined even being possible.

But…I also was blessed to have two amazing boys. I grew to be strong in and over myself. I found confidence and self-worth in my heart and my own eyes. I found my own path of spirituality that works for me. And I met amazing people that have become some of my closest and most dear friends.

This last year has seen so many blessings and trials for us. As I’m certain it has for each of you.

But let’s get to the point today. It’s almost Thanksgiving here in the States. It’s funny to me that we all recognize certain times of the year to do things that we should really be doing each and every day. :-)

Thanksgiving is a time to stuff yourself like a dead turkey and watch all the special football games…right?

Sure…and Easter is because a rabbit poops eggs.

Thanksgiving is the holiday where we are supposed to reflect on the things that we are thankful for in our lives. Like I said…it’s something we SHOULD do each and every day. But if you don’t, at least do it on this one day.

It’s an interesting question really. What are YOU thankful for?

Sure, we’ve all got those stock answers. My family, my friends, job, blah, blah, blah, blah. How boring and rote are we? If you catch yourself using these answers this year, you have my permission to slap yourself.

Really?? That’s all you can come up with to be thankful for? How about we dig a little deeper and make you think some? Hhmm?

Me…I’m thankful for:

• Every trial that I’ve gone through. Each one has provided me with an amazing opportunity to grow. No, I haven’t enjoyed going through a single one, but I’ve found the blessing for each trial I have made it through.

• People that I have lost in my life. Some people have walked away, some I’ve just lost touch with, while another has taken that final step away. However, every one that has walked away has taught me something about relationships. They have taught me something about myself. Ultimately, they have all helped me to appreciate those that are still in my life.

• Being blessed with the ability to laugh and find funny, even in the hardest and darkest of times. I know many people that can’t do this and they languish and wallow in misery. There isn’t a release valve for them. God graced me with that release valve and I can’t imagine living without it.

• Constant background music and occasional theme music in my life. Whether it’s a song on the radio, my best friend playing on the guitar, or simply hearing the wind moving through the trees. The life is SO full of the amazing and miraculous every single day, and yet, very few of us ever take the time to notice it. It’s almost as if we’ve become inundated with everything to the point where our mind filters it all out.

Those are just a few of the not-so-normal things that I’m thankful for each and every day. Sure, my life isn’t exactly what you’d call easy and stress free, but it’s MY life. The only one that I’ve got. And, really, we all only get one choice from two options…you can live and be miserable and die, or you can live and be happy and then die. The beginning and the end are already set for everyone. We only get to choose how we spend the middle part.

Take off your filters and make this Thanksgiving the one that last you the entire year.

And now, from the bottom of my heart. That crusty, flabby, fatty part of the heart I will leave you with this…

Thank you for reading and joining me here. May all your days be blessed with more than you could ever imagine asking for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just happen to be cleaning out my favorite place, when I came across your site. I am so thankful that I did. I have missed you.

I am so thankful for your post. Thank you for the insight into your heart.
