Have you ever been manipulated by someone? Sure you have. We all have.
In fact…I bet it’s already happened to you today. :-)
From TV ads to radio spots, friends, family, coworkers, and just about everyone in between. Our world is honestly built on manipulation. Oh…wait…let’s get politically correct here for a second. It’s not manipulation…it’s persuasion. There, makes you feel better doesn’t it?
If you don’t believe me, think back over the last presidential election. Think there was a bit of manipulation going on there? If you don’t…you were. :-)
So here’s the deal with manipulation. You have to be ready for it and be able to identify it, or otherwise, you’ll be a victim to it.
It’s not that manipulation is inherently evil and bad, it’s the motivations of the people that use it that decide. Now, I admit, I’ve manipulated my friends and family…hell…I’ve even manipulated you, my readers. :-) However, for the most part, my intentions are good. I’ve made you think about things that you might not normally be inclined to think about and in ways that you may not have considered before.
But what about other kinds of manipulation? The kinds that are used for a person’s personal gain or used to hide something else?
We all know that it exists and happens. We might even be in a position to witness it happening or find out that it’s happened to us. What do we do? How can we stop being the victim of those kinds of people?
The answer? Know how it works. If you know and understand how manipulation works, then you are in a position to defend yourself against it. So let’s take a look at some thoughts on how manipulation works.
First, let’s go to the ever-informative Webster…and the winning definition is…
To control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage
Ok...so, that’s not THAT bad this time. I can accept that definition. But it really doesn’t help us in knowing what it is and how to defend against it. Artful, unfair, and insidious means can be just about anything.
This might help. I found an article recently that broke down manipulation into 27 words. One sentence that covers the WAY we are manipulated. So, let’s see it.
People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies.
Doesn’t really sound like manipulation does it? But really…it works on everyone. In fact…I’ve used some of it today. Bet you didn’t even notice it as I made you think about this stuff. :-)
So what’s my point today? Do I even have one? Can you figure it out before I ruin the moment and tell you?
My point is really pretty simple. Our world thrives on manipulation. From the highest reaches of Government to the lowliest radio ads. We need to be aware and be ready to make our own decisions, to have our own thoughts and not those that other people want us to have. The only way to do that is to have a clear understanding of the world we live in and the people that live with us.
Live your life, your way. Think your thoughts, no matter what anyone else tells you. And above all, be your own person, not some puppet on someone else’s strings.
Interesting perspective on persuasion. =)
Amen. DH and I are often called not so nice names because we think differently then others. We do march to the beat of a different drummer, and wear a tin hat.
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