We live in a time where most everywhere has been explored. Some say that there are no “new worlds” left here to explore. The only places left to us are the deep oceans and outer space. No more adventures left to have…no more wilderness to tame.
Do YOU think so?
I don’t. But I think that the greatest and most beautiful world to explore is right inside you. Your “Inner Space”. And believe me…it’s probably more wild, rugged, and dangerous than ANYWHERE else on Earth!
In order for you to be the greatest and best person you can be…you need to tame this wilderness.
Not an easy task for anyone. So, what do we do?
Most people take a quick glance and run! :-) They don’t see how this well neigh impossible task can be accomplished and rather than pit themselves against it, they hide from it. After all, they can still live a happy life? Right?
Sure! You can live a happy life without ever even setting foot into your own wilderness. In fact…most people probably don’t even know that it exists. They seem happy, don’t they?
I need you to understand a subtle difference for me. I’m not talking about HAPPINESS. I’m talking about being the BEST PERSON you are capable of being. Sure, you can be happy and an average, unfulfilled, mediocre person. But I want more for you than that. More than simply happy and content with your life; I want you to have a Heroic life and to be, as the Army says, “All that you can be”!
And for that to happen…you have to journey into your wilderness and become King.
In your wilderness you will find and face all your fears. Even ones you didn’t know existed or that you’d buried a long time ago. Any fear or feeling that you never dealt with and conquered, you will find lurking in your wilderness. And if you journey far enough, you’ll find buried treasure! You’ll find those things that are you that you’ve forgotten, or again, buried a long time ago. You will need to take ALL these things back in order to become King.
You need to take back your fears and hurts and feelings?? Yup. They are a part of you, whether you deny them or not. The only way to become King is to hold them in your hand, recognize them for what they are, and accept them as a part of you. Then you can start to rise above them. You can build good things upon them. Yes, you CAN build on fears and make something good.
Your wilderness is the WILD you. It’s the part that the world tells us to hide away and never acknowledge. Sadly, most of us are drowning in the world’s advice. It’s time to become a whole you. It’s time to truly come home.
Your wilderness holds SO much of what is really you. SO much that we never even attempt to explore.
Did you know that it took Christopher Columbus 6 rejections before he actually found someone willing to sponsor his journey? Don’t become discouraged if your fist trip into your wilderness is only to the edge, or even just a few feet in. Just know that the journey is an exploration of yourself and a quest to becoming a complete YOU.
We stand on the threshold of a brave new world, full of potential and possibilities, of dangers and pitfalls waiting to snare the unwary traveler. And yet, we journey on. We journey, not for profit, though it may come our way, and not for fame, though there are people that will look up to us, instead, we journey for our own souls, to find that which our Creator has hidden inside us, and to bring it into the light of our life. We journey because we were created to journey, to explore, to build, and to discover. Ours is the less traveled road. Ours is the unmarked path. Each of us can blaze his own path; no two are ever the same. It is not a question of how can I, but rather, how can I not?
“If not now, when? If not us, who?” – George Romney
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