I think that one of the most often asked…and rarely answered…questions for EVERYONE is: “Why am I here? What is my purpose?” We, as human beings, feel a need to know what purpose we have. We organize everything in our lives by the purpose that they serve for us or to us. It’s what seems to give our lives order and a sense of control. However, while we can classify most everything in our lives, from things to people, we are usually at a loss as to a classification for ourselves.
It’s the driving reason for the self-help and improvement industry. We spend billions of dollars every year trying to find someone that will be able to give us the answer to our question. The problem is…we are looking in the wrong place for that particular answer.
No one in this world will EVER be able to tell you what you’re purpose is here in this life.
I think it’s kind of funny, really. We have everything that we need to answer this question right inside ourselves. But it seems that we want someone from the outside to tell us what to do. It’s like we don’t trust ourselves or our heart and we HAVE to have someone give us our direction.
We then, take the question of our life and try to place responsibility for the answer in someone else’s hands. This is ALWAYS a path to failure and frustration. Why? Simply because they are not you.
No one, be it friend, spouse, family, pastor, boss, or anyone, can tell you why you exist. They may be able to give you great ideas and maybe even some good things for you to spend your life doing, but it won’t be the complete answer to your question.
You are a unique individual that has had unique experiences and events in your life. You interpret these experiences differently than anyone else. All of this has molded you into a person that no one else can ever be. We keep talking about seeing things from someone else’s point of view and “putting yourself in their shoes”. While this is a great thing to do, in general, you have to keep in mind that you can NEVER completely accomplish this feat. It’s not a bad thing, just the plain truth, because you haven’t gone through and interpreted life as another person.
Things that you might just shrug off might devastate another person. Because their life is unique and you haven’t lived it.
So, where do we look to answer the question?
You need to look to yourself. If you take the time to KNOW yourself and your heart and soul, then you will gain an understanding of what you’ve been created for. You will discover the talents that you’ve been blessed with and the passions that reside in your heart. I think that most people will find; if they take the time, that what they are doing might not be what they are the most passionate about or what they are talented in. This is what contributes to a feeling of being lost in life. It is a state of being in conflict between your heart and how you live your life.
The answer, my friends, isn’t blowing in the wind. :-) It’s blowing in your heart. We seem to have become conditioned to distrust our hearts and to rely on the world to tell us what to do. I think it’s time to take back our right (yes, I said RIGHT) to listen to our hearts. Our right to live from our hearts. To have a life that is in line with the passions we have inside and a life that utilizes our God given talents to their fullest.
It won’t happen overnight and it won’t be without a struggle. This world LOVES to keep us in its line and to tell us what we can and can’t do with our life. So, the first thing you need to do, is to take that long look into your heart and figure out what it is that is inside it. Then, you need to find a way to start living FROM your heart. I’m NOT saying that you abandon your current life right now. But, by making small steps, you can begin to change your life into what your HEART tells you it should be. When you start to make that change, to start listening to your heart, you will find that, even in the midst of hardships, you can find a peace and happiness that is unavailable to most people. You will be living a life with and for and of your heart. You will find your reason for existing. You will have your purpose. And no one can ever take that away.
The door is open. I can show you the way. But it’s up to you to walk it. See you on the road. :-)
I know at least one reason you are here. =) I have cookies, and milk, too, if you need some. Thanks for the early thoughts on Monday.
I don't know. I'm just here for the cheesecake
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