We all know that life is filled with tragic moments. We see genocide, kidnappings, corruption, and every other sort of evil that only mankind could come up with. Our world is a violent, scary, awful place. And you all know it.
Now, don’t get me wrong. There are a lot of good things about our world, just like there a lot of good things about most people too. But let’s be honest here for a bit…our world’s a pretty screwed up place.
I think just about everyone that I know has had some major traumatic event occur in their lives. From the death of a loved one, to disease, to any number of life changing events. Sometimes it all just seems so very random and pointless.
Hell, we’ve even got mottos and slogans about how things work…things like “Shit happens” or “Life’s a bitch and then you die”.
But you want to know something? It’s something that everyone who’s ever faced a tragedy MUST learn.
Life goes on.
Life doesn’t ever stop, just because your feelings are hurt or you’re laid up in a hospital bed. The sun will set and tomorrow will be a new day. You’ll still have to back to work. You still have to eat and sleep and everything else that your body requires in order to function.
Now, understand something. I’m not lessening anyone’s pain or sorrow or heartache in the moment. Without living another’s life, there’s absolutely no way that I or anyone else can judge or even approximate your pain. But I’m telling you a very simple fact that most everyone misses. Life goes on.
In some ways, I think that this is a very powerful healing concept. See, most people tend to get stuck in their pain and sorrow. It’s normal and human to do that. But it’s also normal and human to get back up and move forward. And that’s where a lot of people miss the boat.
They’d rather stay stuck and miserable, reliving the moment of their pain and loss. This will lead you nowhere. In fact, it will drag you down and keep you down and actually prevent you from doing ANYTHING if you stay there long enough.
Life goes on.
It’s a beautiful thought and fact. It’s actually more than a healing concept. It’s the promise of every sunset and the blessing of every sunrise. Today is a new day. A chance for us to do things different. Another day to grow and become that person that locked away inside our hearts.
So it is with all my heart and with my greatest wished for the best blessing in your life, no matter where you are, or what has happened, that I tell you…LIFE GOES ON. And so should you.
Watch tonight’s sunset and know that tomorrow’s sunrise holds the greatest promise you can ever have. Another day.
It's one of the greatest promises we have. In the midst of grief, we sometimes don't understand how life could ever go on - and we know that when it does, it will be different. What we fail to realize is that different doesn't necessarily mean worse or less. =)
You said that so well. My sentiments exactly but I could never have written or said it so perfectly. Cheers to you!!!
Khris in Oz
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