Wednesday, July 23


Everyone likes to talk about friends. The ones they have, the ones they had, the ones they wish they had, the one they wish were more. But what IS a friend, really? Webster’s defines a friend as “one attached to another by affection or esteem”. Gee, that’s a bit dry and doesn’t even come close to what a true friend really is. So let me try something out here. A friend is:

Someone that believes in you, even when you’re wrong and making an ass out of yourself. Accepts you as you are, with no need to change you into what they think you should be. One that will always be there to help you get back up, no matter how far away you happen to be. One that will cry with you when you need to, or walk with you through the tears when you can’t walk through on your own. Someone that can see life the way you see it, even though life in their eyes may be different. Someone that will make fun of you, and you will always know that they love you because of it.

So, that’s my kind of friend. The kind of friend I try to be and the one I wish everyone else would work towards. Friends are not family. You get the benefit of choosing them and trying them for a while before you decide they can stay. So often, people feel the need to wear this perfect stage mask around other people. We all do it to some degree. We have work masks, friend masks, family masks, and sometimes, sadly, personal masks. Masks are designed for only one reason, to hide what lies beneath. It takes a certain amount of courage and self-confidence to live life without a mask. But there is the beauty in unmasking, the more you do it, the more confidence you build. God has made everyone perfect. He doesn’t make things wrong or bad or unsightly. Everyone seems to believe that they are less than they really are.

So, let me tell you this today…whoever you are, wherever you are, and whatever is going on in your life right now.

You are beautiful. I know it.

You are amazing. Give me a chance and I’ll see it.

You are awesome. Just let it come through.

I want to know you and see if, underneath everything, we could be friends. So, come out from under your mask, just for a bit, and see what life without it is really like.


Susan said...

You already know what I think. I'm so glad you started the blog!

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts on friendship. Thanks for posting them.

Candi said...

Brandon, Wow! Is what comes to mind when I read that. I love all your writings you know.:)

jana said...

Hi Brandon Susan sent me your link...awesome thinking you have there and thank you for allowingus to read your thoughts

Hugs from Nova Scotia Canada


Granny said...

Found your blog through Susan. Great thoughts on friendship.

NormaH said...

Brandon, Susan is the kind of friend you're talking about. I know because that is what she is to me. She has cried with me, prayed for me, laughed with me and at me. We have unburdened ourselves with each other as only friends do. Thank you for expressing "a friend" so wonderfully.

Thelma said...

Brandon, I agree with your thoughts on what friends should be,a true friend,,you should never have to wear a mask,,just be yourself and they accept you as you are.

Angel said...

Hi Brandon,
Got your link through Susan. Wonderful writing! Thanks for sharing.

Rose Johnston said...

Thanks Brandon, a wonderful post!!

Jodyrose said...

Excellent way of putting things, I got to your blog from Susan, a fellow quilter and even though we have never met face to face, I would call her a friend. Looking forward to more of your thoughts.

Shawn said...

You have another blog? Holy cow. And what happened to your Urbis account?

Anyway. Interesting thoughts. I don't necessarily agree with all of them, but they are well laid out and come from the heart. Have a Great beach-dad day :D